For sale

25 - 26 of 26 listings

Premium listings

  • 1 000 000 FCKbankscoin [FCK] Since 2013. A good plan takes time :-)
    1 000 000 FCKbankscoin [FCK] Since 2013. A good plan takes time :-)
    226.42 $
    4449.28 AUR
    107530.51 BO-
    0.00 BTC
    24092.57 CDN
    913.36 D/\
    57067.45 DEM
    198.98 DI-
    1267.14 EFL
    0.08 ETH
    1.72 LTC
    77318.44 MO-
    22285.19 PAK
    62.56 TON
    226.19 \T/
    217.18 \TE
    0.00234879 ₿
    Cryptocurrencies Wrocław (Dolnośląskie) 29/12/2024
    FCKbankscoin FCK is the base coin of the No HODL [NH] platform. Anyone who has 1 000 000 FCK in one address is automatically a member of FCKers Club and their ads will be marked as PREMIUM in NH. All information about the FCK coin on the project webs...
  • Bitmain AntRouter R1-LTC, Deutsche eMark ACCEPTED
    Bitmain AntRouter R1-LTC, Deutsche eMark ACCEPTED
    36000.00 DEM [Deutsche eMark]
    142.83 USD
    Electronics Wrocław (Dolnośląskie) 29/10/2023
    AntRouter R1-LTC devices from BITMAIN No one from the crypto world needs to be introduced. It can be used for mining all cryptocurrencies that use the scrypt algorithm [like LTC]. Full description on the manufacturer's website: https://www.antminerdi...


  • Poniemiecka porcelana ze starego domu
    Poniemiecka porcelana ze starego domu
    21.00 DIMI DiminutiveCoin
    23.89592470 $
    Art - Collectibles Sobótka (Dolnośląskie) 29/08/2022
    Porcelana renomowanych marek. Pochodzi ze starego domu na Dolnym Śląsku gdzie była ukryta w zabudowie dachu domu z 1936r. świadczy to o Tym że czekała na powrót właścicieli po wojnie. przedmiotów jest więcej i zostaną wysawione po oczyszczeniu. imbry...
  • Case iPhone 7, 8, and 8+
    Case iPhone 7, 8, and 8+
    21000.00 FCK [FCKbankscoin]
    Cell Phones - Accessories Wrocław (Dolnośląskie) 24/08/2022
    I am selling a case with the logo of FCKbankscoin. The price is for one case. As you can see the cases are transparent. Available as shown in the pictures: 2x iPhone 7 and 8 1x iPhone 8+ Cases 100% new. Shipping worldwide for free :-)